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Urban Ethnography

This course provides knowledge and insight into the ethnographic method. The ethnographic approach to social research involves substantive and methodological issues. Anderson’s classic work, A Place on the Corner (2nd ed., 2003, University of Chicago), and his more recent book, Code of the Street: Decency, Violence, and the Moral Life of the Inner City (1999, W. W. Norton), are used as examples to describe, analyze and explain the process of selecting a social setting, “getting in,” writing field notes, “making sense,” and representing ethnographic research. He will also discuss his most recent ethnographic work on race and public space, including The Cosmopolitan Canopy (2012, W. W. Norton), “The Iconic Ghetto” (2012, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Sage) and “The White Space” (2015, Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, Sage). The course will consist of informal lectures in a seminar-style/workshop format. Participants are encouraged to bring their own work for commentary and assistance, as time permits.