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Sharron Docherty

Sharron L. Docherty, Ph.D., PNP, is Interim Vice Dean, Research and Associate Professor in the School of Nursing and in the Department of Pediatrics in the School of Medicine at Duke University. Her program of research centers on examining how chronic illness and associated life-sustaining treatments impact the short- and long-term functioning of children, adolescents and young adults, and their families, and the development, testing, and translation of interventions to address these impacts. She has methodological expertise in qualitative and mixed-methods, trajectory science and visualization methods for complex data exploration. 

Dr. Docherty is currently Co-PI on two federally funded research studies, Peer i-Coaching for Activated Self-Management Optimization (PICASO) in Adolescents and Young Adults with Chronic Conditions (NIH-NINR; R01 NR018379-01) and, PCplanner: Operationalizing Needs-focused Palliative Care for Older Adults in Intensive Care (NIH-NIA; R01 AG058915-01A1).  She has served on numerous federal grant review panels, including NIH NINR-NRRC, NCI, NIMHHD, and special review panels for RFAs/PAs/FOAs (e.g., The Influence of the Microbiome on Preterm Labor and Delivery; Palliative Care Research Cooperative: Enhancing Sustainability Building, Science of Palliative Care; Improving Outcomes for Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors (U01); Centers of Excellence in Self-Management), as well as foundation and private review panels. She is the Assistant Dean for the PhD Program at the Duke University School of Nursing and has taught graduate level courses in qualitative and mixed methods. She has also served as co-faculty in the Summer Institutes in Qualitative Research offered through the Center for Lifelong Learning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.