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Mixed Methods Research: Foundations for Design, Execution and Dissemination

Mixed methods research requires specialized skills that place qualitative and quantitative knowledge in a dynamic and deliberate conversation with each other yet also builds upon existing research skills in each realm. This course will engage discussions of perceived (and real) challenges when designing, executing, and disseminating mixed methods research.

We will consider five key questions:

  1. What distinguishes quality mixed methods research from other types of research?
  2. What guides key mixed methods research design decisions including role of theory, points of integration, mixed sampling and analysis strategies, and timing of data phases?
  3. How can researchers execute their study to generate novel insights using a variety of data sources, data displays, and visual diagramming?
  4. How can researchers avoid common pitfalls when publishing mixed methods studies?
  5. What recent advances in mixed methods research can be incorporated into proposals, practices, and manuscripts?

Knowledge of and experience with the issues raised in these questions will maximize the quality of your designs, feasibility of your procedures, and avenues for disseminating your completed mixed methods research.

Participants are encouraged to bring a study idea or preliminary draft of a proposal or paper that they can explore during the workshop.

Workshop content is derived from diverse sources, including Poth’s text: Innovation in Mixed Methods Research (2018, Sage) and Poth’s open access articles: The curious case of complexity: Implications for mixed methods research practices (2018, International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, 10(1), pp. 403-411 and Poth, C. (2018). The contributions of mixed insights to advancing technology-enhanced formative assessments within higher education learning environments. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 15(9), 1-19. doi:10.1186/s41239-018-0090-5. A suggested reference list will be provided.